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  • Chicken cage production methods

    Jun 29, 2018

    If you want to make high yielding chickens and grow your chickens healthy then it is also very important to choose chickens. Of course, we can also make chickens for our own comfort. How to make chickens? Here we share for you chicken cages what are the production methods!


    Laying cages

    Laying cages Laying cages are generally used at 141 days of laying hens until the end of laying. Each single cage is 400 mm long, 450 mm deep, 450 mm high, 380 mm high, and inclined at the bottom 7.5 degrees. Cage door open. The bottom of the cage mesh spacing of 22 mm, latitude 60 mm spacing, the top, after the mesh aperture larger range, flexible, but the side mesh aperture is preferably 25-30 mm high and 40-50 mm wide, Because this mesh prevents pecking between the cages, 3-4 chickens per single cage, with a total height of 1.7 m and a width of 210-240 mm.

    Bred cage

    Bred cage is generally used before the 140-day-old chicks, generally 3-4 layer overlapping cage, the total length of visible feeding depending on the size of the cage feet 100-150 mm, each cage length of the cage is 700 -1000 mm, cage height 300-400 mm, cage depth 400-500 mm. The cage mesh is rectangular or square, the bottom mesh has a diameter of 12.5 mm, the side mesh and top mesh are 25 mm in diameter, the cage door is in the front, and the cage gap is adjustable in the range of 20-35 mm, Chickens about 30, the overall width of 1.6-1.7 meters.

    Caged into

    Rearing cages are generally used on 41 to 140 days old chickens, all three layers. Height of 1.7-1.8 meters, each single cage length 800 mm, height 400 mm, depth 420 mm. Cage bottom mesh 20-40 mm, cage top, side, after the mesh diameter of 25 mm, cage door width 140-150 mm, 3-4 layers overlap, each single cage can grow into a young 7-15 only.

    Chicken cage design and the growth and development of chickens have a significant relationship between the design of a more reasonable chicken cage will be more conducive to the growth of the chicken cage material selection principles, equipment maintenance, maintenance, disinfection, chicken coop ventilation, chicken cage Erection, keeping the quality of personnel and other uniform norms, these actions are worth learning.


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