Hot galvanizing layer cage

Nov 27, 2018

he hot dipped galvanized cages refers to the manufacturers produce egg cages through hot dipped galvanized process, the price of hot dipped galvanized cage will be higher than the cold galvanized technology, let us talk about some advantages of hot dipped galvanized technology.

Features of hot dip galvanizing:


1. Smooth appearance, no zinc tumor, burr, silver white;


2, the thickness is controllable, ranging from 5 to 107 microns to choose arbitrarily;


3. Without hydrogen embrittlement and temperature hazards, the mechanical properties of materials can be guaranteed unchanged;


4, can replace part of the hot dip galvanizing process;


5, good corrosion resistance, neutral salt fog test for 240 hours.

Hot galvanizing layer cage

Hot galvanizing layer cage

Advantages of hot galvanizing layer chicken cage:


1.The net of layer chicken cage all use the advanced hot galvanizing technology that is resistant to corrosion and aging, long life service, solid and beautiful appearance, the service life can be more than 15 years.


2. High degree of automation: automatic feeding, drinking water, manure cleaning, wet curtain cooling, centralized management, automatic control, energy saving, labor productivity improvement, artificial feeding cost reduction;


3. Save the site and increase the feeding density: the cage density is more than 3 times higher than the flat density.


4. Save feed for breeding: caged chickens can save a lot of feed. Caged chickens can reduce exercise, energy consumption and waste of materials.The data showed that caging could effectively save more than 25% of the breeding cost.


Above is the advantages of hot dipped galvanized technology and introduction of manufacturers about hot dipped galvanized layer cage, if you have any questions, you can call our technical service personnel.

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