Symptoms and prevention of chicken white pheasant in chicken cage

Mar 20, 2020
Symptoms and prevention of chicken white pheasant.
Symptoms and prevention of chicken white pheasant in chicken cage
I. Symptoms: How chicks come with bacteria will usually die when they are out of the shell. If they are infected after hatching, they usually start from 5-10 days old and reach a peak at 2 weeks of age. The sick chicks are afraid of cold, often crowded in piles, and the sick chickens will have closed eyes and doze, the wings will sag, and the sick chickens will have difficulty breathing and are more rapid. Shrunk. Farmers can also place sick chicks in their ears and hear "beep" sounds in response to the breathing rhythm. Sick chicks often scream, defecate, and discharge white, paste-like thin feces. Lime-like feces adhere to the villi around the anus. After drying, they form lumps and block the anus. If it is an adult chicken, its main symptoms are a drop in egg production and a phenomenon of turbid brownish manure, as well as progressive weight loss.
Second, prevention and control: 1. Farmers like breeder farms should do regular quarantine of chicken white pheasants, and find out that sick chickens are eliminated in time. Eggs are fumigated with formaldehyde gas before hatching. 2. During the breeding process, farmers should pay attention to cleaning and disinfection of all utensils in the chicken house and brooding room. 3. Farmers should still take precautionary measures. For chicken breeders at the age of three weeks, they should use drugs to control the incidence.
The above are the symptoms and prevention of chicken white pheasants in the process of raising chickens in laying hen cages for farmers.


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