How three-layer broiler cages are placed more scientifically
Jan 02, 2020
How three-layer broiler cages are placed more scientifically
At present, broiler cages generally adopt three-layer broiler cages. The three-layer broiler cages are divided into three-dimensional broiler cages and stepped broiler cages. Each of the two broiler cages has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can also design a layered broiler cage. With a view to obtaining the highest benefits.

This breeding model is being vigorously promoted. The model can be roughly divided into two types of overlap and step, with three layers and four layers. Compared with flat rearing, cage rearing can be increased by about 3 times per unit area, which effectively improves the utilization rate of the chicken house. Because the chickens are restricted to move in the rearing cage, the phenomenon of scavenging for food is reduced, the development is neat, the weight gain is good, and the feed can be improved. The efficiency is 5% -10%, and the total cost is reduced by 3% -7%. The chicken body is not in contact with the feces, which can effectively control the spread of white bacillus and coccidiosis. In this mode, broilers eat evenly and grow quickly, and can be released 3-5 days in advance. Broiler cages have significantly reduced farming land.
There are two types of broiler chickens in cages. One is the vertical three-layer cage. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to install an automatic feeding machine and an automatic manure scraper. The labor input is too large, and the lower two layers have insufficient lighting. The second is the step-type three-layer cage. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to feed manually, the cage takes up a lot of space, and the same space is relatively small.
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