Selection and delivery of chicken cages in chicken cages

Oct 22, 2019
The selection of chicken cages for chickens in the cages is to select high-quality and healthy chicks. Eliminating disease and weak chicks is a key part of improving the rate of brooding and breeding excellent breeders and high-yielding laying hens. Because the quality of the eggs is good or bad, the newborn chicks must be strong and weak.
The method of chicken cages to check the appearance of the chicken is "one look, two listens, three touches".
Selection and delivery of chicken cages in chicken cages
At first glance, it is to see the mental state of the chicks. That is, the dynamics of the chicks are observed with the naked eye, the feathers are clean, the ankles, legs, toes, eyes, etc. are abnormal, the anus is free of fecal adhesions, and the umbilicus is healed well to distinguish between healthy and weak chicks.
The second one is to listen to the cry of the chicks. The young chicks are loud and crisp; the weak chicks are weak and hoarse, or they are screaming and panting.
The three touches are to touch the lyrics and body temperature of the chicks. Hold the chick in the hand, touch the lyrics, skeleton development state, abdominal size and softness, and understand whether the egg yolk is well absorbed and the chicks are active.

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