Feeding of chicken cages for laying hens

Oct 22, 2019
The following principles must be considered when cage chickens are used in conjunction with chicken diets.
(1) Nutrition Principles of Chicken Cage
Feeding of chicken cages for laying hens
1 When coordinating with the diet, it must be based on the feeding standard of the chicken, and combined with the growth and production performance of the chicken in the feeding practice. It was found that the nutritional level in the diet was low or high and should be adjusted appropriately.
2 When cooperating with the diet, attention should be paid to the diversification of the feed, and the use of several feeds should be used as much as possible. This is conducive to the preparation of nutritionally complete diets, giving full play to the complementary functions of various feed proteins, which is conducive to improving the digestion of the diet. Rate and utilization of nutrients.
3 When it comes to the diet, there are many nutrient items to be contacted, such as energy, protein, various amino acids, various minerals, etc., but first of all to meet the energy needs of the chicken, then consider the protein, and finally adjust the mineral and vitamin nutrition.
(2) Physiological principles of chicken cages
1 When coordinating with the diet, it is necessary to select suitable feeds according to the different physiological characteristics of various types of chickens, especially to control the content of crude fiber in the diet so that it does not exceed 5%.
2 The prepared diet should have good palatability. The feed used should be of good quality to ensure that the diet is non-toxic, harmless, not bitter, unpalatable, mildewed, and non-polluting.
3 The type of feed used in the diet should be kept relatively stable. If the type of feed and the proportion of the mixture need to be changed, it should be gradually changed to give the chicken an adaptation process.
3 Economic Principles In the production of chickens, feed costs account for a large proportion, generally accounting for 70%-80% of the cost of raising chickens. Therefore, when coordinating with the diet, we should try our best to take local materials and make full use of nutrient-rich and low-cost feed to match the diet to reduce production costs and improve economic efficiency.

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