9 safety procedures for chicken equipment

Aug 13, 2019
9 safety procedures for chicken equipment
1. During the operation of the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to observe the operation and operation status of the equipment and open the relevant inspection port for maintenance. If it is really necessary to observe the operation of the relevant components during operation, professional personnel are required to follow the procedures and have the necessary personal protective measures.
9 safety procedures for chicken equipment
2. During inspection, repair and maintenance, the staff must ensure that the main power switch is disconnected and the main power switch is blocked, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur.
3. Installation, maintenance or maintenance of electrical equipment related to this equipment shall be carried out by professional electric operators in accordance with the regulations, otherwise serious injury accidents may occur.
4. The protective parts of the equipment are an important part of the equipment and should not be removed at will. If damage occurs, it should be repaired or replaced in time.
5. Two stroke switches are installed on the nose and the tail of the machine. When the track wheel of the skip hits any of the stroke switches, it will stop running. Regularly check whether the travel switch is sensitive. If it fails, it should be replaced in time. Otherwise, it will easily pull the material truck and even lead to more serious consequences.
6, the lower part of the egg in the trough, a set of electric shock lines, in order to prevent chickens from quail eggs, please do not touch with your hands to avoid being injured.
7. The power supply line of the power supply part needs to have a special protective cover, and the wiring part must have a special terminal block to prevent electric leakage and cause accidents.

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