How does chicken cage reduce ventilation energy consumption?

Aug 02, 2019
How to reduce the ventilation energy consumption? The problem of ventilation energy consumption is what we need to know. This is a kind of energy and electricity consumption. This is something that we should pay attention to. I don’t know everyone about the chicken cage wholesale problem. What do you know? Today, our Xiaobian has sorted out this issue for everyone. I hope that I can bring you some reference so that everyone can better understand and use it.
Illumination: The performance of chickens is greatly affected by light. Light can stimulate the pituitary gland to release gonadotropin, which promotes the maturation of follicles and ovulates under the action of luteinizing hormone.
Reasonable regulation of the light environment can break the characteristics of seasonal production of laying hens and achieve balanced production throughout the year.
How does chicken cage reduce ventilation energy consumption?
Except for the 8-hour short-day illumination control of the laying hens, the rest of the laying period is mostly 16 hours light, and the meat chickens use the 23-hour light system.
The application of this lighting system can maintain the high production performance of chickens.
Air: The main factors affecting modern chicken production include: air temperature, air humidity, air content (oxygen concentration, harmful gas concentration, dust concentration), air flow rate, etc. The use of large-scale livestock fan and longitudinal ventilation technology can ensure the effective supply of a large amount of fresh air required for high-density chickens, and save the ventilation energy consumption of chicken cages by 40%~70%, and eliminate the dead angle of ventilation to effectively eliminate the dirty gas. , dehumidification and cooling purposes.
The development and application of water curtain evaporation and cooling technology have effectively solved the technical problems of large-scale chicken raising in hot summer areas in China.
Water: The water environment mainly refers to the water source. The research and development of the nipple drinker has solved the problem of cross-infection caused by drinking water from large-scale chicken sinks and reducing the amount of water and sewage discharged. It has played a role in keeping the chicken manure dry and maintaining good air quality in the house. Important role.
There are also research and development of various modes and technologies such as greenhouse fermentation of chicken manure, high temperature drying, and biogas treatment, which also greatly reduces the problem of chicken pollution.

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