Maintenance and maintenance of layer chicken cages

Jun 14, 2019
For the maintenance and maintenance, some farmers do not do the place, it will increase the breeding of germs, can not effectively prevent the disease, will also increase the burden of the maintenance work, the consumption of materials will also increase, the most chicken farmers It is necessary to develop a complete maintenance and maintenance system and conduct regular inspections, so here are some basic common sense of maintenance and maintenance.
Maintenance and maintenance of layer chicken cages
It is necessary to keep the inside and outside clean and tidy, and the parts of each part can not be free of oil. The gears should be regularly added with lubricating oil, no drying phenomenon, smooth oil passage, and ensure no oil leakage, no air leakage, and there should be no surrounding cage equipment. Miscellaneous items and dirt should be cleaned in time, and items should be placed neatly. All parts of equipment should be operated in accordance with the regulations, and should not be overloaded. The protective equipment should be complete, no damage, and timely remove safety hazards.


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