Insulation and Infrared Light Breeding Chicken Introduction

Jun 11, 2019
The umbrella is an umbrella-like insulation device consisting of a heat source and an umbrella component. The heat source can be used for electric heating wire, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas or coal fire furnace. The umbrella body can be made of iron or aluminum, or it can be made into a square, polygonal or circular shape by wood or fiberboard. The electric heating umbrella is provided with a diethyl ether expansion cake and a micro switch or a temperature control device composed of an electronic relay and a mercury conductive meter. When used, the temperature adjustment knob can be adjusted according to the temperature requirements of the chicks at different ages.
Insulation and Infrared Light Breeding Chicken Introduction
The number of chicks that can accommodate chicks depends on the heat source area, typically 300-1 000. The advantage of the umbrella brooding method is that the brooding amount is large, and the chicks can freely move under the umbrella to select a suitable temperature zone, which is good in ventilation and convenient to use. The disadvantage is that the cost of brooding is high, the heat is not large, and it is necessary to have a warm-keeping brooding house or a heating facility such as a stove in the brooding house to help raise the temperature. If you use the electric umbrella to brood, you need to prepare other heating equipment to prevent the temperature from dropping rapidly during the power outage.
Infrared light brooding: that is, brooding by the heat emitted by infrared rays. The bulb is 250 watts in size. It can be used to connect several infrared bulbs in a group and hang from a height of 35-45 cm above the ground. When the temperature is low, the bulb is 33-35 cm from the ground. As the chicks grow older, gradually lower the temperature and raise the height of the bulb. From the second week, it will increase 7-8 cm per week until it is 60 cm above the ground. The brooding with infrared lamps should have heating equipment in the house. The day should limit the newborn chicks to a diameter of 1.2 meters under the light, and then expand day by day. Each infrared light (the number of 250-edge brooding is related to the temperature of the room temperature, see table.
The advantage of infrared light brooding is that the insulation is stable, the house is clean, the litter is dry, and the chicks are free to choose the appropriate temperature and the brooding rate is high. The disadvantage is that the power consumption is large, the light bulb is easy to be worn out, and the cost is high. An infrared lamp consumes 6 degrees of electricity for 24 hours, which is expensive, and the temperature drops when the power is cut off.

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