Lighting management work stackable chicken cages

May 06, 2019

In the process of raising chickens in laying hens, whether the laying hens are still broilers, in addition to the usual disinfection of the chicken houses and the drinking water of the chickens, the most important step in the chicken raising process is about lighting. The problem. Illumination has a vital role in raising chickens. Light is simpler for broilers. As long as the broiler can meet the food and drink, let the broiler eat, drink, sleep well and grow good meat, but about the egg. The role of chicken is even stronger. In the breeding stage of laying hens, suitable lighting conditions are necessary for laying hens, especially in the later stage. Light can not only promote the sexual maturity of chickens, but also facilitate the high yield of laying hens. Therefore, when we raise chickens in laying hen cages, the timing and intensity of light increase with the growth of chickens. Today, we will give farmers a brief introduction to the management of lighting when raising chickens in laying hen cages. Points to note:

Lighting management work stackable chicken cages
1. Always keep the bulb clean. The bulbs in the house must be kept clean and cleaned regularly to ensure the intensity of the light and to prevent the light in the house from weakening due to the uncleanness of the bulb.

2. Increase the lightness of the light in a timely manner. Use the egg cage to raise chickens. Above the aisles between the two rows of chicken cages, install an incandescent bulb of 1 to 40-60 watts at a height of 2.5 meters every 3 meters, so as to shine on each chicken and eliminate the chicken house. Light dead angle.

3. Develop a reasonable lighting moment. Because of the age of the hens, the demand for light is different, so we must formulate different lighting moments according to the age of different chickens. We can first determine the number of hours of illumination as 12 hours, and increase the number of hours by 0.5 hours per week. At the moment of illumination, until the number of hours of illumination is increased to 16 hours per day, the illumination time is no longer increased, and the illumination time is fixed to 16 hours.

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