How can chickens produce more eggs?

Dec 24, 2018
Feeding the laying hens with baking soda: Feeding the baking hens to the laying hens during the feeding process not only improves the production performance of the laying hens, but also strengthens the hardness of the eggshells. Adding 0.3%-1% baking soda to the laying hen diet can increase the productivity of the laying hen.
In summer, the laying hens should cut feathers: in summer, the weather is hot. In order to reduce the calories of the hens and increase their appetite, the farmers can cut off the chest and abdomen of the hens and the feathers under the thighs and under the wings, which will increase their appetite. Improve the production performance of laying hens. It is necessary to control the reasonable illumination: during the feeding of the laying hens, whether the lighting time of the laying hens is evenly sufficient every day will also affect the production performance of the laying hens.

During the laying period of the laying hens, the laying hens were exposed to light for 8 hours a day, and after each additional week, the light was increased by half an hour until it increased to 14-16 hours of the laying period of the laying hens.

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