Some tips for raising chicken , what nutrition value does raise chicken with green onion have
Dec 04, 2018
Green Chinese onion application in chicken, green Chinese onion nutritional value in every 100 grams of green Chinese onion stem leaf contains vitamin A0.05 mg, C20.22 mg vitamin, protein 2.4 grams, 0.3 grams fat, carbohydrates, 9.8 grams (8.6 g) of total sugar, 4.6 grams of calcium, phosphorus 3.9 grams, iron 0.1 mg, 0.0298 mg amino acids, it is very rich in nutritional value.Cut the discarded green fresh leaf of short order, and then processed into powder, on the basis of laying hens diet decrease by 1%, 2% and 3% wheat bran and add the same proportion of big leaf powder, ascension results due to the rate of laying hens, egg weight increase, the improvement of feed utilization rate, low death rate of tao, etc., make the economic benefit is increased by 18.39%, 28.26% and 29.1%, respectively.In addition, it is a green feed additive worth developing because of its rich nutrition, low cost and no sequelae.

In addition to making breakthroughs in feeding and feeding, layer cage is also very particular about its selection. A good layer cage can not only save the manpower and material resources of farmers, but also enable farmers to better observe chickens, reduce the rate of disease and improve the rate of egg production.
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