How can hens produce more eggs.
Nov 30, 2018
According to the experiment, the breeder breeds the laying hens, according to the difference of the feed formula, the hens can lay eggs are different. Although the feeding method and the management procedure are the same. The test group feeding the tea water increases the egg production by 5% compared with the control group. According to analysis, this is because tea contains multiple vitamins. When hens enter a prolific period, they often have anemia due to high egg production, resulting in a corresponding decrease in egg production. In particular, vitamin B can prevent an anemic disease in a hen's abundance. To feed the hens with tea, first brew with water, and cover the tea for half an hour, then pour water to the hens.

In addition, mixing 3 to 5 grams of crushed tea in 100 grams of feed can also increase the hen's egg production, and a good layer cage is also a standard for laying hens. If you want to know more Keep a little knowledge about chickens, please keep an eye on our website.
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