how to raise layer chicken

Jun 29, 2018

how to raise layer chicken?i think the most important thing is to choose the suitable layer cages.

Cage laying hens, generally from 18 to 20 weeks of age began to cage, by feeding to 72 weeks to complete a production year, only eliminated out. Therefore, in a good house with the environmental conditions, there must be a reasonable structure of the cage, in order to make the heap to play its highest production efficiency.

how to raise layer chicken

The size of the layer cage should be able to meet its certain area of activity, feeding position and height, at the same time, in order to make the eggs can be made out of the cage in time, the cage should have a certain degree of tilt. According to the above requirements, the arrangement of the laying hens must be composed of many small monomer cages. Each monomer dumplings have 4 chickens.

Monocular cage of the fan cage are generally made of cold-drawn steel wire spot welding, but the role of the fan cage is different, their material thickness and size of the mesh have different requirements.

The side net and the rear net mainly as the cage of the interval, available diameter of 2 to 2.5 mm wire, distributed into a horizontal grid. The use of coarse wire in the external example, the spacing of 100 to 200 mm; weft with the filaments arranged in the inside, spacing 30 mm, which can prevent the chickens cage pecking bucket.

The Under net is not only to bear a certain weight, but also out of the dung can not afford to fall eggs, and have a certain degree of flexibility, so that when the egg is not easy to break, chicken activities have a certain sense of comfort, 3.0 mm wire, distributed into vertical lattice. The direction of the use of coarse wire on the surface, the spacing of 22 to 25 mm; weft with silk under the line, spacing 50 to 60 mm, so as to make the eggs along the meridian slope smoothly out.

The width of the cage door with the monomer cage width, generally with a diameter of 3 mm wire welded into vertical fence, spacing 50 to 60 mm. Cage door height of 400 mm, the lower edge of the bottom line should be 50 to 55 mm from the bottom to leave out of the egg gap; or 50 mm away from the edge of the addition of the egg board, tilt into the cage, to prevent the nest Eggs are chicken pecking, and chicken manure is vented into troughs and sinks.

In addition, in order to extend the service life of cold drawn steel cages, galvanized and other anti-corrosion measures can be used.

I believe that you must know almost to the question how to raise layer chicken,so if you have a demand for the layer cages ,pls contact with me.



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