egg automatic incubator

Jul 13, 2018

egg automatic incubator

The development of the incubator has a few hundred years history, and the technology of incubator is becoming more and more better and then full automatic incubator borned in the earth. Based on the characteristics of egg automatic incubator, such as high efficiency and easy operation, egg automatic incubator was produced by many manufacturers. Then, what are the characteristics of egg automatic incubator?

1.The box body is assembled with color steel plates, and the appearance is beautiful and generous.

2. Stable and reliable automatic egg turning mechanism with manual and automatic user selections.

3. Hatching out in fully automatic situation,and machine can hatch out in batches. The ventilation is a system of a scientific cycle.

4. Matching egg tray and hatching tray (chicken, duck, goose, pigeon, pheasant, Turkey, wild duck, Turkey, wild goose, peacock egg tray can be chosen).

5. Advanced ultrasonic atomizing head makes humidity more stable.

Egg automatic incubator, the original meaning is a special equipment for hatching eggs. Later, it was introduced to the economic field, it is used to a centralized space, and providing research, production, management, communication, network and office sharing facilities, system training and consultation, policy, financing, law and market promotion, in the early stage of the enterprise in order to create new technology achievements, technological enterprises to promote cooperation and exchange. 

Full automatic incubator maintenance?

1. Check the ultra high-temperature alarm function.

2. Clean the disinfectant equipment very well.


egg automatic incubator


Next:How an egg incubator works


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