How to ventilate a chicken cage

Jun 29, 2018

How to ventilate a chicken cage? Most of US farmers in broiler breeding will pay attention to the temperature in the chicken house, and ignore the air in the chicken house. Especially in now cold winter season, farmers often keep the temperature of the henhouse and in order to reduce the heating cost, often do not give the ventilation to the henhouse, if the poultry room often does not ventilate seriously, it will cause more ascites in the middle and later stage of the broiler. If you do not give in different week old broilers were normal ventilation can cause various diseases, so give meat hens for ventilation is necessary on time, following benefits to farmers to look at the popularity of broiler house ventilated.

1. broiler life cannot do without oxygen, based on the normal temperature of the hen house, do house ventilation is very important for ventilation can provide sufficient oxygen in chickens, promote the chicken body health, maintain and improve the feed conversion rate, especially now we use chicken cages. High density should be more frequent ventilation.

2. good ventilation can discharge the water, ammonia, dust and excess heat, providing fresh air for the chickens. Bad ventilation will bring serious damage to production when the concentration of ammonia is large.


3. the management of broilers in the later period was the key of ventilation. Broiler weight, feed intake and excretion is also large, their cumulative exhaled carbon dioxide, emitted by the body heat, excrete water, the manure produced ammonia and planktonic indoor dust in the air, if not promptly discharged to the homes, the living environment will be more and more bad, not only will seriously affect the growth of broilers, but also increase the mortality of broilers. In the later stage, the volume of chicken is relatively large. Once the broiler is killed, it will bring great economic losses to farmers. So ventilation is very important.

Above is the knowledge we are telling you. pls contact our company in time if any questions, looking forward to cooperating with you.



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