How broiler cage chickens reduce late mortality

Mar 19, 2020
The survival rate and quality of broilers are the key to determining the economic benefits of farmers. So how to reduce the mortality of broilers.
1. Ensure proper temperature: When raising broilers in the late period, farmers should pay attention to that the temperature of the henhouse cannot be set too high. The proper temperature is that the flocks are evacuated uniformly and the body is stretched. Near the heat source, the breathing rate is too fast, and it is mostly caused by the indoor temperature being too high.
How broiler cage chickens reduce late mortality
Second, to ensure reasonable light management: light work is a very important job in chicken farming. Farmers know that broilers have short growth cycles and high feed returns. For farmers, excessive weight gain is feed intake. Speed, especially light has a direct relationship with feed intake, so farmers must control the light in the henhouse during the later breeding of broiler chickens.
3. Pay more attention to the flocks: When the flocks are resting at night, the farmers can observe the flocks, listen to the birds' breathing, and check whether they have snoring, snoring, or sneezing. Disease, observe if there are respiratory symptoms, turn around the house slowly for about half an hour to listen to it.
Fourth, choose a reasonable disinfection drug: disinfection with chicken is necessary to ensure the health of the hen house and chicken flocks. When choosing disinfection drugs, farmers are advised to choose a broad-spectrum, efficient, powerful, non-toxic and harmless. , Less irritating and non-corrosive disinfection drugs, and disinfection in accordance with scientific and reasonable steps to avoid disinfection errors affecting the health of the flock.
The above are some measures and points to reduce the mortality of broiler chickens in the later broiler cage breeding process introduced by farmers.

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