Chicken cage manufacturers tell how to immunize

Mar 10, 2020
Immunization is a job that every farmer must do. Immunization is an important means to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in chicken flocks. Therefore, farmers should do a good job of immunization, develop methods and procedures for immunization, and avoid Economic loss from immunization failure.
1. Select the right vaccine and use the correct method: The premise of ensuring the effectiveness of immunization is that the farmer should choose a high-quality vaccine, so when purchasing the vaccine, we must pay attention to the reputation and price of the manufacturer.
Chicken cage manufacturers tell how to immunize
2. Formulate a reasonable immunization program: When formulating an immunization program, farmers should not follow the trend. They should formulate a reasonable immunization program based on their local epidemic changes, seasonal changes, and epidemics. Function to ensure the health of the flock.
3. Correct and reasonable use of vaccines: When using vaccines, farmers should pay attention to the mutual interference between vaccines, and do not inject too many different vaccines at one time. It is advisable that vaccine farmers with different diseases should be carried out at intervals of several days.
4. Improve feed nutrition and quality: Farmers should improve the quality of feed before and after immunization, so as to ensure the protein required by the immune-producing cytokines.
5. Strengthen the breeding management of chicken flocks: When breeding, the farmers should pay attention to strengthening the breeding management of chicken flocks and reduce various stress factors as much as possible.

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