Breeding chicken cage

Aug 27, 2019
Breeding chicken cage
In order to improve the survival rate and uniformity of the bred chicken, the feed density and the ease of management are added, and the chicken cage is used throughout. Usually the chicken cage is 3-4 layers and 6-8 single cages. Each single-row cage measures 1875 mm × 440 mm × 330 mm and can breed 20 chickens. With the implementation of a one-stage breeding technology for brooding, the use of a single chicken cage will be gradually reduced.
Breeding chicken cage
Breeding a chicken cage
In the two-stage area of laying hens, the cage is used throughout. The chicken coop is characterized by the ability of chickens to grow from 1 day old to before laying eggs (100 days old left), reducing the stress and labor intensity of the group. The chicken cages are usually 3 or 4 layers. During the chickens, only the middle layer is used. Following the growth of the chickens, the chickens are gradually dispersed to the upper and lower layers. 25 chickens can be cultured per square meter.

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