Chicken cage manufacturers tell you the difference between free-range and captive

May 18, 2019
The manufacturer tells you the difference between free-range and captive, and the manufacturer tells you the difference between free-range and captive. In most people's perceptions, chickens that are concentrated in four egg cages or five egg cages do not get enough exercise in the wild, and the meat quality is relatively poor, but compared with free-range, concentrated feeding, It is more conducive to management, will not let the flocks come into contact with external bacteria and pollution, reduce the occurrence of diseases, and will check, disinfect and isolate them more promptly when they go out of the disease, so that they cannot be transmitted and reduce the incidence. probability.
The manpower requirement for free-range is relatively large, and the centralized feeding method can be completed by automated equipment, reducing the use of manpower, effectively reducing labor, and controlling costs relatively easily. The waste of free-range feed can not be reduced, and there will be uneven distribution. The way of captivity will avoid waste, and it will be more conducive to scientific management. The division of space and the control of density are relative. Words are easier and more convenient.
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