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  • Automatic Manure Cleaning System from Factory

    May 19, 2018



    Automatic cleaning system is mainly for cage eggs, breeders an automatic fecal equipment. Widely used in cage and online maintenance of poultry livestock feces cleared, can also be used for factory floor production line material collection.


    Classification according to the way the feces: cascading automatic dairy machine, ladder automatic cleaning machine.

    According to the use of points: vertical automatic fecal, horizontal automatic fecal machine.

    Differentiation :

    The biggest difference between the cascading automatic dredger and the stepped automatic dredger is the difference between the way to clear the feces.

    Use Method:

    1, vertical automatic fecal machine: clear manure once a day, there are special circumstances can be extended to two days, but do not often so, because the fecal and transmission motor can not be long in a high load working condition.

    2, horizontal automatic fecal machine: must first start the horizontal clear fecal machine, and then start the vertical fecal machine; must first turn off the vertical automatic dairy machine, and then turn off the horizontal automatic dairy machine.

    Daily Maintenance:

    1, when the automatic fecal clear fecal bike near the end of the passive side of the drum 10mm, you can tighten the tightening of the bolt on the adjustment, when the feces to move back one third of the time, to properly relax Bolts to prevent clear feces back over.

    2, when the clear feces near the edge of the passive roller, you can let go up the chain, the fecal hand moves to the middle of the passive drum, and then tighten the chain installed in the sprocket, and then tighten with a pipe Six hexagonal axis to be able to move so far, and finally tighten the tightening of the bolt on the rod.

    3, if the automatic fecal show the situation of the tape, but will clear the fecal zone in the passive roller to start the tile can be. Do not cut.

    4, clear feces with a period of time, there will be extended loose phenomenon, to cut off a section and then re-welding. Be sure to prepare an ultrasonic plastic welder. Welding when the two should be correct, absolutely can not be skewed.

    5, the tail is relatively rare, the main reason is that the roller pressure is not tight. If the deviation, you can adjust the tightening of the outermost bolt to adjust, then press the roller. If the tape, adjust the bolt after the pressure roller, and then in the course of running with a stick to the big drum forward fried dough to start paving, and then run the natural to solve the tape problems.

    6, the monthly inspection of bearings and rubber roller, the bearing should be regularly added butter, rubber roller to keep tight without loosening of the state.

    7, horizontal automatic cleaning machine maintenance and loading conveyor the same, relatively simple.

     Automatic Manure Cleaning System from Factory


     Automatic Manure Cleaning System from Factory


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