Chicken cage wholesale talk about chicken disease transmission

May 14, 2019
Wholesale chicken cages talk about ways to spread chicken diseases. We all know that in the process of breeding egg broiler chickens, diseases are the obstacles affecting the healthy growth and production of chickens and the economic benefits of farmers. Most of the diseases of chicken flocks are transmitted by various channels. First understand the various ways in which the house can spread the disease, and then prevent and control in time.
1. Drinking water broadcast: If the water quality of the chickens fed to the chickens does not meet the requirements, it is easy to cause the chickens to be infected. Therefore, the farmers should pay attention to the hygiene and cleaning of the drinking water. The water quality should meet the standards for poultry water use, and Pay attention to the regular disinfection and cleaning of drinking water equipment to avoid water pollution and disease after being eaten by chickens.
Chicken cage wholesale talk about chicken disease transmission
2, through the media broadcast: chicken farm environment is relatively poor, and the smell is also relatively thick, so it is more invaded by flies and mosquitoes and other insects, although these media itself does not cause infection, but they can send infectious agents from a chicken or One animal is passed on to another chicken, such as flies, mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. In clinical practice, chickenpox spreads more through the media insects.
3, air broadcast: Many farmers do not know, the air is also a major focus of the broadcast, many sources of infection can be broadcast through the air, such as chicken Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and laryngotracheitis can spread through the air, in addition Also, if the manure is stored in the house for too long, it will cause ammonia in the house and affect the health of the flock.
4, appliance infection: farmers know that all kinds of chicken equipment tools are now used for a long time, can be used for many batches of chickens, farmers must raise all the chicken houses after raising a group of chickens Tools such as tools and chicken cages are thoroughly disinfected. If the disinfection is not complete, the next batch of chickens may enter the chicken house and may infect the bacteria and infectious sources of the chickens.
5. Contact and broadcast: Once the chicken is only sick, the farmer should be isolated in time. If it is kept together with healthy chickens, it will provide a ready-made way for the spread of the disease, not only through actual contact, but also because of Chickens are spread by exposure to contaminated water and soil. Therefore, if a farmer has a chicken with a disease, it should be immediately isolated or eliminated, and cannot continue to raise.
The above is the way to spread chicken diseases. Chicken cage wholesale We will give you affordable prices, quality products, of course, our products are guaranteed, if you have any needs, take the time to contact us!

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