Why should we cut chicken beak?

Apr 30, 2019

 It’s very cruel to cut the chicken beak. But it is for chicken group up smoothly.the work is indispensable.

The first advantage of cutting beak is the prevent hurting each other.second ,it can save fodder.Chicken's beak like a chick is a hook.Eat feed, hook to hook, will get a lot of feed to the outside basin.

Why should we cut chicken beak?

Cutting beak for chicken,time should be choose in the chicken about 8 days,sooner or later is not appropriate.

what extent is the most appropriate? Is the place where the beak 1/2,the later beak 1/3.where there is a simple solution:growing point,when cutting beak it the cutting this position.

In order to promote the wound healing,will add some  vitamin K to chicken’s water.


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