Feeding Knowledge
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  • Talk about the correct use of chicken feed line Method

    Jun 29, 2018

    The use of chicken feeding line to bring a lot of convenience to farmers, each person's use of different habits, the efficiency of the chicken feed line will produce a difference, Qunkun family to talk about the correct use of chicken feed line Method, to improve the efficiency of chicken feed line.

    Talk about the correct use of chicken feed line Method

     1, chicken equipment, chicken feed line before the power switch will be closed, will raise the chicken material wire car running switch placed in or retreat, the feed switch placed, the feeding truck began to run the feed.

    2, the use of chicken feed line before reading the instructions carefully, to understand the basic structure of chicken feed line feeding and button operation.

    3, the feed placed in the chicken material line silo, launched the handle powder button and adjust the discharge button. So that the chicken material line six discharge outlet material is common. The end of the adjustment, closed chicken feed line put chicken button.

    Talk about the correct use of chicken feed line Method

    4, the trajectory at the request level organized in the middle of the chicken coop in the middle of the two sides of the car to the trough. Position insisted equidistant.

    5, the chicken feed line feeder switch to adjust to the smallest, start the feed truck before the switch, the feeder speed control switch box to adjust to the required speed of operation, closing the car before the switch, fixed tune Speed ​​azimuth.

    6, chicken feed line ,trough should be organized flat, while feeding the role of feeding material when feeding.

    7, the power switch placed out, launched the meridian lift up and down, the discharge port placed in the slot out of the mouth can not be replaced.


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