you will regret it if you don't look at the broiler chicken cage guide

Sep 30, 2018

Broiler chickens in broiler cages is a new way of breeding broiler chickens. Many farmers are gradually changing to cages. The use of broiler chicken cages is different from the previous methods of raising chickens. The guidelines and techniques for raising chickens will also change. Farmers should learn the techniques of caged chicken raising in a timely manner, and cooperate with each other to be able to raise broiler chickens better. 

you will regret it if you don

In the process of raising broiler chickens in broiler chicken cage, although the feeding period of broiler chickens is short, the main points of raising and managing the farmers in different growth cycles are different. Only when feeding and management according to different growth stages can the growth performance of broilers be guaranteed. , the general broiler chicken is divided into three stages: pre-feeding, middle and late stages.

In the pre-feeding stage :Broiler 0-14 days old of broiler chickens, the chicks should be fed with water in time after entering the chicken house. When feeding the water, some glucose or antibacterial drugs can be added to the water, and when feeding, it is necessary to feed less. . The system uses 24-hour uninterrupted light on the first day of the chick,and then gradually shortens the illumination time according to the growth stage.

In the middle of the growth period :Broiler 10-35 days old, increase the volume of the feed appropriately. Also pay attention to ventilation, disinfection and reasonable immunization work in the house to reduce the prevalence of broilers

late stages :Broilers are 36 days old to the market: At this stage, farmers are advised to use high-quality feed for short-term fattening, and also to adjust the stocking density.

The above are some of the points from Qunkun that feeding broiler in broiler chicken cage in the process of raising chickens. I hope the above can help the farmers.

Ms. Amanda | Exporting Dept. 

QUNKUN Metal Products Co., Ltd.

Mobile: 0086-18032423029


broiler chicken cage

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