Chicken equipment to do a good health management

Jul 12, 2019
In the use of cages to raise broiler chickens, health management is more important. Because broiler production cycle is short, if produce disease during feeding, will suffer great economic loss. Poor environmental hygiene is an important factor leading to the disease, which requires:
Chicken equipment to do a good health management
(1) brush the feed trough once a day and wash the feeding equipment and utensils frequently.
(2) clean water tank and waterline once a week.
(3) frequent disinfection, foot disinfection tank or foot disinfection pad should be set at the entrance and exit, and disinfectant should be changed on time every day. Strict disinfection must be carried out every time entering and leaving the chicken coop.
(4) use sprayers to spray disinfection on corridors and walls every day. Spray disinfection can be conducted twice a day in case of epidemic situation, and cannot be conducted 24 hours before and after vaccination.
(5) to prevent cross-infection, dead chickens should be picked up at any time, and sick and weak chickens should be eliminated. Dead chickens must be burned or buried deep. When dead chicken buries deeply, want to use 2-3% caustic soda water to disinfect first processing.
(6) the breeding staff must have two sets of special clothes, and often disinfection and cleaning, do a day to change. Clothes are not allowed to be worn outside the chicken coop, only for use inside the coop.
(7) technical service personnel must wear clean and disinfected epidemic prevention clothing.
(8) outside the chicken house to keep clean, timely remove the weeds around the chicken house. Because weeds and sundries can make insects and other activities frequent, increase the probability of spreading diseases, cause cross-infection, and pose a great threat to the health of chickens in the house.
(9) there shall be no sundries in the chicken coop except for storing tools.

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